Press Release Summary: The WSET certificates cannot be used to get a wine job. We want to change that.
Press Release Body: We are calling on the International Wine Center to stop issuing WSET certificates and diplomas temporarily.
The International Wine Center in New York City runs the WSET (Wine and Spirits Education Trust) programs. They claim this is a program that will train you to be a wine professional.
The International Wine Center is currently not certified to run a school for sommeliers or wine professionals. We are asking they conform to New York state laws* before any more certificates or diplomas are issued.
Furthermore, Wine professionals and business owners must be warned that a WSET diploma or certificate is not currently recognized as a professional certificate and cannot be used to gain employment in the food or wine industries.
*The IWC/WSET have violated the following NY laws & regulations by claiming they offer professional training for the food & wine industries:
New York Laws: Education : (5001 - 5010) Private Trade And Correspondence Schools
"Schools required to be licensed or registered. No private school or computer training facility which charges tuition or fees for instruction and which is not exempted hereunder shall be operated by any person or persons, firm, corporation, or private organization for the purpose of teaching or giving instruction in any subject or subjects, unless it is licensed or registered by the department. "
See also: Section 126.10 of the New York State Education Department Regulations